Graphene and Its Derivatives: Properties, Synthesis, and Applications in Wearable and Transparent Sensors


  • Amandeep Kaur Rozia Department of ECE, Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
  • Harminder Singh Department of Mechanical Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India
  • Deepkamal Randhawa Department of ECE, Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
  • Anu Sheetal Department of ECE, Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus, Gurdaspur, Punjab, India



Graphene, Graphite Oxide, CNT, Carbon, Sensors


Graphene is a 2-D carbon-based material consisting of a single layer or few layers that has revolutionized the scientific world with its potential applications in various types of sensors, especially wearable and transparent devices. This material possesses astonishing thermal, electrical/electronic, optical, and excellent mechanical properties. It has the potential to replace carbon nanotubes (CNTs) due to its low cost and relatively similar properties. There is a need to work on different graphene synthesis methods, optimize various parameters, reduce costs, and achieve large-scale production. This study discusses in detail graphene, graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, their properties, various synthesis methods, and potential applications. Among these methods, we have found that Hummer’s method is relatively better for producing low-cost graphene on an industrial scale. However, there is a need to optimize Hummer’s method parameters, such as finding the right chemical to reduce graphene oxide and synthesizing few layers of graphene with high conductivity.


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How to Cite

Rozia, . A. K., Singh, H., Randhawa, D., & Sheetal, A. (2023). Graphene and Its Derivatives: Properties, Synthesis, and Applications in Wearable and Transparent Sensors. Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 12(2), 35–40.