A Review on Robotics and Automation in the 21st Century: Shaping the Future of Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Service Sectors


  • Avesahemad Husainy Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Sumit Mangave Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Namrata Patil Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology, College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India




Automation and Robotics, Healthcare, Industry 4.0, AI, Technology Impact


A detailed examination of the literature reveals the significant effects that automation and robotics have had on the modern industrial, healthcare, and service sectors. This research explores the acceptability, challenges, and advantages of robots in various industries, tracing their evolution from simple machines to extremely intelligent and complex entities today. The report demonstrates how robots have evolved from conventional manufacturing roles to become essential in Industry 4.0, healthcare, and service sectors, utilizing academic research, real business data, and technical advancements. Robots have greatly increased production efficiency in the industrial sector, decreased error margins, and resulted in cost savings and higher-quality goods. The introduction of networked production systems and smart factories highlights the importance of robotics in contemporary manufacturing techniques. In healthcare, robots are revolutionizing the industry by transforming clinical settings, enhancing patient monitoring and diagnostics, and increasing the precision of minimally invasive surgical operations. This change illustrates the potential for robots to completely transform patient care and the healthcare sector as a whole. The study also examines the growing importance of robots in the service sector, where new technologies are altering the way people interact, shop, and entertain themselves. Automation and robotics are redefining how individuals engage with services, highlighting the dynamic relationship between technology and human interaction. This study underscores the potential of robots to revolutionize multiple industries and emphasizes the necessity of further research and adaptation to fully realize these advantages. Automation and robotics are key drivers of technological progress, offering prospects for ongoing innovation and improved productivity, precision, and overall quality across various sectors.


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How to Cite

Husainy, A., Mangave, S., & Patil, N. (2023). A Review on Robotics and Automation in the 21st Century: Shaping the Future of Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Service Sectors. Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 12(2), 41–45. https://doi.org/10.70112/arme-2023.12.2.4230