The Impact of Virtual Reality Integration in Robotics: Enhancing Efficiency, Safety, and Human-Robot Interaction


  • Avesahemad S. N. Husainy Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Atharv R. Joshi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Vaibhav V. Chougule Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Rohan M. Thomake Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Harshvardhan D. Kamat Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  • Harshwardhan A. Jadhav Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India



Virtual Reality (VR), Robotics, Efficiency, Safety, Human-Robot Interaction


In this paper, a review of the implementation of Virtual Reality (VR) with robotics and how it has changed various areas is explored. In general, VR improves efficiency and safety in operational work—especially in the energy sector, where it optimizes substation operations (e.g., increasing accuracy by up to 25% due to a higher level of automation). For mechatronics, VR allows advanced digital design, such as virtual prototyping and collaborative simulation, which significantly increase system efficiency. In education, VR technology has increased student engagement and learning outcomes by up to 40%, improving participation in subjects such as natural sciences. VR integration into robotics also enables the testing of various movements and trajectories for safety, resulting in minimal damages incurred during the design phase and increased productivity. VR also enhances human-robot interaction by enabling intuitive control based on better gesture recognition and a 35% increase in precision. In future applications, the remote operation of robots in dangerous environments will greatly improve emergency rescue efficiency and speed. Using VR for substation operations has translated to 25% better accuracy and a similar gain in terms of operational efficiency. By providing a more connected, efficient future in multiple spheres and delivering about 40% fewer accidents during simulations, the fusion of VR with robotics is an overall successful venture.


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How to Cite

Husainy, A. S. N., Joshi, A. R., Chougule, V. V., Thomake, R. M., Kamat, H. D., & Jadhav, H. A. (2023). The Impact of Virtual Reality Integration in Robotics: Enhancing Efficiency, Safety, and Human-Robot Interaction. Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 12(2), 28–34.