A Review on the Performance of the Nanofluid Based Solar Collectors - Solar Energy


  • Kapil Sharma School of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
  • Satnam Singh School of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab
  • Manvendra Yadav Department of Mechanical Engineering, ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida
  • Sanjay Yadav Department of Mechanical Engineering, ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida
  • Naveen Mani Tripathi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel




Solar energy, solar thermal systems, nanofluids, solar thermometric cells, parabolic trough system, solar collector


Using nanofluids as an innovative kind of liquid blend with a trivial volume fraction (in percent) of nanometer-sized solid particles in suspension is a fairly a novel arena or idea. The objective of this presented review paper is to inspect the performance of the nanofluid-based solar collector (NBSC). In past few years for a number of experimental and industrial thermal engineering systems solar energy has proven to be the best input energy source. The scarcity of fossil fuels and environmental contemplations motivated the researchers to utilize alternative energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy etc. Therefore, it is essential to boost the performance of the solar thermal engineering systems. Because of better rheological properties nanofluids are utilized to build up the performance of conventional solar thermal engineering systems. Therefore, major part of
this presented review paper lays a main emphasis to investigate the effects of nanofluids on the performance of solar collectors. Some proposals are also given to use the nanofluids for future work in different solar thermal engineering systems such as parabolic trough systems (PTS), solar thermoelectric cells and finally, the challenges of using nanofluids in solar energy devices are reviewed in brief.


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How to Cite

Sharma, K., Singh, S., Yadav, M. ., Yadav, S., & Tripathi, N. M. . (2019). A Review on the Performance of the Nanofluid Based Solar Collectors - Solar Energy. Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering, 8(2), 17–26. https://doi.org/10.51983/arme-2019.8.2.2563